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"Abbott and Hast Publications"
Publishers of Mortuary Management monthly magazine and Funeral Monitor weekly newsletter, funeral service publications for the death care industry.

"American Cemetery"

The largest and most-respected magazine for cemetery owners and managers in the United States.

"American Funeral Director"

The largest and most-respected magazine for funeral home owners and funeral directors in the United States.

"Canadian Funeral Director Magazine"

The Canadian Funeral Director Magazine is a trade publication for Canadian Funeral Service Professionals

"Funeral Service Journal"

leading journal in British funeral directing, is a lively, colourful, monthly magazine featuring news items, mortality figures for the UK and Ireland, regular features, and the most comprehensive classified advertising section in British funeral directing. Published by FSJ Communications.

"Nomis Publications, Inc."

Publisher of trade directories and a monthly newspaper for the funeral and cemetery industry.

"The Canadian Funeral Director Magazine"

The Canadian Funeral Director Magazine is a trade publication for Canadian Funeral Service Professionals.

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